
TucsonArizona, July 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.

Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.
Re-revised [Actual Public Opening Rider Revenue Date]: July 28, 2014.

Right on Schedule! [Late!] I did take take my much-anticipated Free Ride on the Tucson Modern Streetcar, along with some 60,000 other Citizen Free-riders. On July 25, 2014, I rode End-to-End and Return, and en-route, crossing the Santa Cruz River on the Gutierrez Bridge, exactly twice.

The Bridge to Somewhere from Somewhere. Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens.

The Inscription Reads: The Primary Purpose of the Bridge you are standing on is to carry a Modern Streetcar across the Santa Cruz River to the Historic Neighborhoods and Residents who live West of the River. Tucson's First Electric Street Car began operating on June 1, 1906,  
Replacing Mule and Horse Drawn Cars used since 1896. 
[Discovery Date and Time: June 1, 12 PM]

MileMarker: July 25, 2014:

The Tucson SunLink has opened to The Public, who will continue to appreciate its Historic Contribution, uniting East Tucson with West Tucson, like never before possible. 

Enjoy the Ride? Yes I did!

TucsonArizona, June 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

And hopefully "right on schedule" the Planned Public Opening, now slated for Friday July 25, 2014, is a certainty. Four Bucks USD will get you an All Day Pass. Sounds like a plan. I'll be among the first Citizen Riders.  

Here's the Link:

"The Avenue" is ready for SunLink Service.
Photo Courtesy Lens & Pens, Tucson, AZ

TucsonArizona, May 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: May 22, 2014:

The Fleet is Complete... and Eight is Great... but... now the Real Test begins. Public Acceptance. Will the Rider Revenues ever fully justify the Enormous Project Costs, or create a new burden to be borne by the Citizens of Tucson?

According to the Tucson News:
"Once the last two cars are approved for safety--including the 8th one that just arrived--the City says the streetcar will start operating July 25th [2014]."

Here's the Link:

TucsonArizona, April 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: April 24, 2014:

SunLink Streetcar Artwork Goes with the 'Flow'
April 24, 2014 12:00 am 
By Kathy Allen

Public Art Along The Modern Streetcar Route

"How the art came about

The $765,000 spent on the Sun Link streetcar public art represents 1 percent of the cost for the streetcar project — the percentage from capital improvement projects allocated for public art through the city and county's Percentage for Arts Program.

The process for finding artists started in 2008, said Mary Ellen Wooten, the Tucson Pima Art Council’s public art program manager, the agency charged with overseeing the public art in the city and county.

TPAC issued a call to artists, asking for their resumes and samples of their work. A panel of 10 people representing artists, the city council, the Regional Transportation Authority, and local residents made the final decisions on the artists who would get the commissions for the works.

“We had five meetings with the panel during the selection process to get to the eight artists, then five additional meetings when the artists came back with their designs,” says Wooten.

Simon Donovan and Ben Olmstead were tapped as the lead artists.

'We knew they would create an overall theme,' says Wooten.

The two also developed an arts presence at those stops that did not have major art installations. The result is the stops with the reader boards streaming SunLink information, and poetry courtesy of the University of Arizona Poetry Center."

Here's the Link:

"Poet", by Simon Donovan and Ben Olmstead,
East Helen Street and North Warren Avenue.

Photo Courtesy Lens & Pens, Tucson, AZ

MileMarker: April 11, 2014:

Tucson Receives 6th SunLink Streetcar
Posted: Apr 11, 2014 12:02 PM
Updated: Apr 25, 2014 12:02 PM
By Tucson News Now Staff - email

"TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -
The sixth streetcar in Tucson's SunLink fleet arrived early this morning from the production plant in Oregon.
The last two streetcars are scheduled to arrive by the end of May [2014]. Each streetcar will carry up to 180 riders. Testing of the fleet will continue into the summer."

Here's the Link:

And as the excitement and anticipation increases still more... we Riders still patiently wait.... 

TucsonArizona, March 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: March 31, 2014:

Tucson #5 (Tucson 106) Arrives:

Fifth streetcar scheduled to arrive in Tucson Tuesday
Posted: Mar 17, 2014 7:58 PM MST
Monday, March 17, 2014 10:58 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 31, 2014 7:59 PM MST
By Jackie Kent

"TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -

The city of Tucson should have more than half of its street car fleet by Tuesday morning." [5 of 8, if reports are all correct.]

And as the excitement and anticipation increases... we Riders patiently wait.... 

Tucson 106. The Fifth Modern Streetcar.
Photo Courtesy Lens and Pens Tucson, Arizona, April 2014.

TucsonArizona, February 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: February 28, 2014:

The Fourth of Eight SunLink Cars arrived in Tucson, February 4, 2014, to no great fanfare. Media Folk are now starting to talk of a Summer 2014 Opening, but there has been no "Important" Official Announcement. 

Perhaps that is because the Project is so very far behind, by any account, an no office-holding or office- seeking official/politician in T-Town, is willing to put his Career on the Line, so-to-speak.

Nevertheless, we in Tucson seemingly now have a Full Half-compliment of the desired and required Streetcars.

Here's the Media Announcement of February 26, 2014: "Tucson streetcar still set to open in July"

"A [Nameless] Transportation Department official said the streetcar is still on-track to open in its

target date this July [2014]."

Here's the Link:

There remain the issues of Circumstances of Grand Public Opening: According to Darren DaRonco of the Star:

 "It’s unlikely the city will have all eight cars by July 25 when it wants to kick off service.
Currently, four streetcars rumble down Tucson tracks in various stages of testing.
Four more still need to arrive from United Streetcar to satisfy the Federal Transit Administration
edict that Tucson must operate six cars with two in reserve along the four-mile route."

"Even though the city expects to receive all its cars by early May,
rigorous testing standards will prevent all eight from getting greenlighted for service by midsummer.

But city officials believe it’s 'critically important' to start the streetcar a month before
University of Arizona students return for the fall semester."

Here's the Link:

Tucson 103? The First Missing Streetcar.
[Found: February 4, 2014]
Photo Courtesy Lens and Pens Tucson, Arizona April 2012.

TucsonArizona, January 2014:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: January 31, 2014: 

Tucson 103? The First Missing Streetcar.
[Still Missing 01312014.]
Photo Courtesy Lens and Pens Tucson, Arizona April 2012.
Kind of like a Broken LP Record, or Compact Disk, which, lost in space, lost in time, continues to backtrack on itself endlessly. Backtrack on Itself Endlessly... 

"According to Michael Graham, a City of Tucson representative, a fourth streetcar will arrive later this month. [January 2014.]  With the last four arriving between March and May, all eight cars of the Tucson fleet will be ‘home'." 

Here's the Link:

And now we have the Ultimate Contest at last. Machine v. Man. The Running of the Mechanical Bulls.

 "Tucson's new streetcar will be tested in the spring, adding excitement to the 4th Avenue Spring Street Fair. 
The City Transportation Department has assured 4th Avenue merchants the streetcar driver, test pilot Chuck Jagermiester, will honk the streetcar's horn to alert street fair attendees to the streetcar's oncoming approach, suggesting the event is expected to have the festive flavor of Pamplona's Running of the Bulls."

Here's the Link:

And with the First Pedestrian Fatality, will we in Tucson, revel in the Notoriety? Stay tuned....

TucsonArizona, December 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: December 31, 2013: 

Tucson 104? The Second Missing Streetcar.
Photo Courtesy Lens and Pens Tucson, Arizona April 2012.

The Trolley Tracks in T-Town are quiet today, as they have been throughout the Final Months of 2013. Nothing new, thus far on Tucson 103 or 104, the Third and Fourth of Eight scheduled to arrive in Tucson in 2013.

Me thinks, we have yet another Missing Link! Where is Tucson 104? Where is Tucson 103?

Modern Streetcar Predictions for 2014:

A Strained and Silent Hiatus Continues: More Months No New Cars. More Months No New Press Releases. And on and on?

As the New Year 2014 wears on, the once, and seemingly distant date of July 2014 [Revised Projected Rider Revenue Date] becomes a bit more real and relevant. Thus, like many Official Projections, the July 2014 Promise, disappears into the unknown, propelled by reality itself.

A Re-Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date] must now be proposed, pushing the Actual Opening farther and farther into 2014, and perhaps into 2015.

Once working to an overly optimistic Completion Timeline, the Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Began: April 12, 2012. Then, in 2012, the: [Projected Rider Revenue Date] was October 31, 2013.

Today, December 31, 2013: We in Tucson find ourselves in an embarrassing Unofficial Limbo, (read Unofficial Delay) with no news from anywhere. Whoever exclaimed "No News Is Good News" was themselves, Bad News.

During December 2013, One Voice: Tucson Councilman Kozachik, commented on the other, more sinister, and costly, aspect: The Looming Streetcar Funding Gap Showdown. 

'For the last two years, we've been told that the project is on time and in budget. And I've been saying neither is true,” Councilman Steve Kozachik said. “The cars are late and now we’re told that we have a significant funding gap.

It’d be nice if staff would start telling us straight so people can believe what they hear when it’s coming from the mouths of government officials.'

With the city facing a dire financial forecast next year, Kozachik said it’s imperative that accurate financial information is made available sooner rather than later, so the council can make an informed decision."

Thanks Mr. Kozachik, for telling it like it is.

Here's the Link:

TucsonArizona, November 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: November 30, 2013: 

The Trolley Tracks in T-Town are quiet today, as they have been throughout the Month.

Nothing thus far on Tucson 103, the Third of Eight scheduled to arrive in Tucson in November 2013.

Tucson 103. The First Missing Streetcar.
Photo Courtesy Lens and Pens Tucson, Arizona April 2012.

Strange and discomforting quiet, silently shrouds the Modern Streetcar Project. Have we a Missing Link? No word from the Portland Factory, United Streetcar. None from Tucson, City Of.

Meaningful Media Coverage has been Exactly Zero for November 2013. 

And, when the Media has no news, it goes vacant and obscure, until All Elements can confer, and agree to make a synchronized, and Politically Correct Headline: Project Progress! Project Delay!

TucsonArizona, October 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: October 31, 2013: 

It's been Two Years, Today, since #869 was retired from the Old Pueblo Trolley (OPT) Service. 

I stopped by, Tonight 10/31/13: Coincidentally, the Original Planned SunLink Public Opening, and was reassured to see at least, The Green Trolley (alongside his OPT Pal #1511 The Yellow Trolley) was still moored at the 8th Street Barn.

What will be the Ultimate Fate of the Old Pueblo Trolley Vintage Cars?

Green Trolley at the Car Barn, Halloween 2013
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona

MileMarker: October 16, 2013: Tucson 102 has arrived in T-Town. Normally, that Pronouncement would rate an Exclamation Point, [!] but under the circumstances, 
mainly because the 102 Delivery was (1) Full Year Behind Schedule, just a Full Stop, is in order. 

Looking forward, United Streetcar of Portland, OR, has promised (1) New MSC per Month, for the following (6) Months, until all (8) Tucson SunLink Streetcars have been delivered. 

Here's the Link:

MileMarker: October 3, 2013: First Daylight SunLink Service Test: On the Day, I positioned myself at several of the Stops on North Fourth, hoping to get the best vantage point to view the sleek new Car in action. In the end, I chose the 4th Ave | 4th/5th St Stop.  

Along The Lines (ATL): Medusa (Mediterranean) Restaurant has always intrigued me, (A few steps from the 4th Ave | 4th/5th Street Stop) but I have yet to visit. Someday in 2014, I shall make it a ATL Destination.

Video: Tucson 101 First Daylight Service Test. October 3, 2013.
Video Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona

TucsonArizona, September 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: September 30, 2013: 

Modern Streetcar Artwork

Detail Modern Streetcar Public Artwork. The Pen and Sword.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona
“The Pen is Mightier than the Sword” MSC Public Artwork, 
Highland Avenue and Second Street Stop 
on the University of Arizona Campus.

The First Modern Streetcar in Tucson, Arizona. Tucson 101: September 2013.

Freshly Bathed and Sun Linked.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona

TucsonArizona, August 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: August 30, 2013: According to Reliable Sources:

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -
Posted: Aug 30, 2013 5:39 AM
Updated: Aug 30, 2013 5:40 AM

By Lydia Camarillo

"Tucson's modern streetcar project has reached another milestone; the first streetcar has arrived this morning.
The $4.5 million, 60 ton streetcar ends its five day journey from the Portland, Oregon ironworks manufacturing plant.  It did make one unexpected stop, Thursday evening the streetcar was stopped in Casa Grande, since the car could not travel during peak traffic hours.
Seven more cars are expected to be delivered, for a total of eight cars for Tucson.   Each streetcar is scheduled to be delivered four weeks apart."

Here's the Link:

Where is Our Car 101? Behind Door 3, or 2, or 1? August 31, 2013.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

It's behind Door 1. August 31, 2013.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

Look carefully. You see Car 101 Blue, with Running Lights in sight? August 31, 2013.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

TucsonArizona, July 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

MileMarker: July 11, 2013: According to FTA Quarterly Report (Page 10 / Line Item: Vehicle #1 Arrives in COT July 11) we in T-Town should be receiving our First Modern Streetcar... Today!

Of course, if you live in Tucson, you can sense... if not see... the Reality is otherwise. But, according to various sources, some of which are noted below, Tales of the Modern Streetcar are still pretty (wildly) vague/contradictory. Otherwise in the Local Media: It’s very accurate!

According to the Arizona Daily Wildcat of July 9, 2013: “... the first streetcar vehicle, scheduled to arrive next month, [August 2013] according to Joe Chase, streetcar construction manager.”

“By September [2013], the Tucson community can expect to see the first streetcar vehicle being towed along the route to check for clearance at the stops and other tolerances, said Carlos De Leon, deputy director of transportation for the City of Tucson.”

“The remaining vehicles will continue to be delivered on a monthly basis until all eight vehicles arrive.”

It "all" sounds so nice and on-schedule. A would-be/rider-reader, outside T-Town might be tempted to pay us a visit soon, like October 2013; for the Original Projected Revenue Operations start date, to take an Inaugural Free Ride! (It would have to be a Free and Virtual Ride: Simulation Videos are all that presently exist.)

According to Arizona Daily Star June 19, 2013: “Streetcar ready for riders next Summer”

Probably more accurate... if quite a bit more distantly nebulous: Are we Taxpayers to believe all (8) Modern Streetcars will be delivered at once, but not until March 2014? Meantime, we wait: In A State of Suspended Locomotion?

"Although beset by countless delays, the company building Tucson's streetcars said it's on target to have all eight cars delivered by late March next year [2014].That means the tracks could be open to riders by midsummer 2014, about eight months later than the original start date."

 Here's the Link:

Really? Not until March 2014?

Well, I am confused. So let’s get back to Real Reality: Concrete and Iron.

The Last Track Section: 

The Final Track Section: SunLink. Congress and Fifth Avenue, Downtown Tucson, July, 2013. 
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

Final Section of Track Welded 072513. Corner Congress and Fifth Avenue!

Here are the Links: 


Editor's Note: The Latest Rumor in Tucson, is that SunLink Car #1: Will absolutely, positively be delivered in Tucson, August 2013. (But don’t tell anyone.)

TucsonArizona, June 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

MileMarker: June 1, 2013: The Cushing Street / Luis G. Gutierrez Bridge: Annual Vintage Trolley Solar Alignment: If you are keen to observe Historic Solar Alignments, or Solar Powered Public Artwork, this Site is well worth the visit. Commemorating Historic Street Rail Transit and Horse Draw Trolley in particular... here's where to be... and when.

Modern Streetcar Artwork: Cushing Street Bridge. High Noon, June 1, 2013. 
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

Modern Streetcar Artwork. Cushing Street Bridge Metal Overhead Shadow Panel, High Noon, June 1, 2013. Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

Modern Streetcar Artwork. Cushing Street Bridge. October 2012. 
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

The Inscription Reads: The Primary Purpose of the Bridge you are standing on is to carry a Modern Streetcar across the Santa Cruz River to the Historic Neighborhoods and Residents who live West of the River. Tucson's First Electric Street Car began operating on June 1, 1906,  
Replacing Mule and Horse Drawn Cars used since 1896. 
[Discovery Date and Time: June 1, 12 PM]

To more fully appreciate all the Modern Artwork present at this remarkable Bridge, have a look at the FaceBook Collection by Tucson Photographer Charity Bidegain. 

Here's the Link:

Some Recent Headlines from the Online Media:

San Antonio, Texas is looking to add the Streetcar/Light Rail Amenity to their Metro Menu. They have been looking in on at the TragiComedy being played out in Cosmo Portland, Politico Washington, DC; and yes, locally at Our Torrid T-Town. 

RE: United Streetcar/Oregon Iron Works: San Antonio, TX have all but concluded: It’s all just a Cautionary Tale.

United Streetcar deliveries late to 3 cities

By Ken Boddie

Updated: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 5:52 pm Published: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 5:08 pm

Josh Brodesky, Express-News Columnist
Updated 2:39 pm, Sunday, June 9, 2013

Josh Brodesky grew up in Tucson.

Here's the Link:

MileMarker: June 18, 2013: There was apparently a Special Meeting of The Tucson City Council. In a Closed Executive Study Session, the Subject of the Modern Streetcar was... discussed...  very privately discussed. Oh, to be the Fly on the Proverbial Wall then, when Jonathan Rothschild (Tucson Mayor) discussed and debated the Increasingly Delicate Issues of the Delayed Streetcar Arrival with His Immediate Cabinet.

The Page of Interest from those Proceedings:

With the New Delivery Date of July 11, 2013 for COT First Car... fast approaching, Oregon Iron Works (OIW) had better have an Iron Clad Excuse, or the Taxpayers in T-Town will be on the hook, paying More Millions to determine the New Penalties.

Here’s the Link:

And with the New Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014, the Sound of the Clock on the Wall,  grows each day louder.

TucsonArizona, May 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Original Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.
Revised Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: July 1, 2014.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

MileMarker: May 5, 2013: Four Million (and counting) spent to date, just to Oversee the Car Construction Delays! "WITH NO VEHICLES DELIVERED YET, EXPENSE OF OVERSIGHT FIRM TO GROW.” Of course. Meantime, Late Fees, those assessed by City of Tucson (COT) on the Car Builder, Oregon Iron Works, (OIW) continue to mount.

MileMarker: May 23, 2013: Modern Artwork on Fourth Avenue. At the Fourth and Seventh Street Stop, with the assistance of Progressive Hardscapes, Artist Mary Lucking has executed one of the first pieces of Public Art on the Tucson Modern Streetcar Line: A LithoMosaic: Glass in Concrete.

Detail Modern Streetcar Artwork by Mary Lucking, LithoMosaic. Fourth Avenue and Seventh Street Stop. May 2013. Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

MileMarker: May 24, 2013: Downtown Revival. Recently, on Arizona Illustrated Politics, Host Jim Nintzel and the Major, Jonathan Rothschild, and David Slutes, Entertainment Director of the Congress Hotel, and Fletcher McCusker, Chairman of The Rio Nuevo Board; discussed the Future of Downtown Tucson; and, very briefly, about 4 1 / 2 Minutes, or about 15% of the 30 Minute Show; discussed and discussed very generally, the impact of the Modern Streetcar (MSC) on the projections and expectations for the Future Downtown Rebound. And the Final Economic Outcome of the Tucson MSC: Boom? Bust? Or Boondoggle?

TucsonArizona, April 2013:
MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

MileMarker: April 12, 2013: One Year Anniversary of Tucson Link Construction Celebration passes without Fanfare, Press Release, or Media Mention. Nothing much to Celebrate on Day 365, in 2013. Pity.

MileMarker: March 2013: The FTA Quarterly Review (Page 10): “Vehicle #1 Arrives COT July 11, 2013.” And Taxpayer take note, as of April 2013: “Projected Revenue Operations July 1, 2014.” Twenty Fourteen. That’s “Projected” Folks!

MileMarker: March 2013: The FTA Cash Flow Projection: “Estimated Revenue Service July 2014” which means that the Collection of Revenue for the Modern Streetcar is out by 10 Months. Which means: No Revenue for 2013, and Far Less Revenue for 2014 than Projected. Which in turn means: Substantially more for the Citizens to potentially absorb in terms of Fares, Operating Costs, Cost Over-runs and Subsidies. Well, at least we know: It will all take longer, and cost more. Surprise?

MileMarker: April 2013: SunLink Stop at UMC the End of Line, or at the Beginning, is Under Construction. 

SunLink Stop at UMC Medical Research Building on Helen Street.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

 TucsonArizona, March 2013:

MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

Missing MileMarker: The FTA Quarterly Review for March 2013 is not yet publicly available Online. In March 2012, the [Rider] Revenue Operations Date was scheduled to be October 25, 2013. In December 2012, in the FTA Quarterly Review for December 2012, that number was revised a little: “October 2013.”

It should be interesting, now in 2013, to get the Re-revised [Rider] Revenue Operations Date. At the rate Tucson Cars are being built by United Streetcar, the forecast may be “October 2014.” (But we will not speculate further.)

Otherwise, it appears Operationally at least, in Tucson, Cars or no, all else will be ready in the Year 2013.

SunLink Stop on Fourth Avenue at Ninth Street.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

MileMarker: Combing the Internet for Current News on the Topic of the Tucson Modern Streetcar: Well frankly, it is Slim and Nearly None.

And so, to that Current Internet News, such as it was for March 2013:

From the Arizona Daily Wildcat:
By RACHEL MCCLUSKEY Published March 6, 2013 at 5:05am.

RE: United Streetcar:

“Because the Portland, Ore., company, United Streetcar, is still working on Portland’s cars, the management team in Tucson is unable to finalize the service schedule.

‘We’re watching the Portland cars, which are ahead of the Tucson cars right now,’ [Project Manager, Shellie] Ginn said. ‘Once we can feel comfortable that the Portland cars’ production rates are actually happening as scheduled, then we’ll be able to finalize our schedule and move forward with confidence.’

Due to the continued delay in manufacturing, Ginn said the service start date might be farther off than previously thought.

‘We’re looking at the delay of the vehicles arriving here, and we were trying to see how that’s going to impact our revenue service state,’ Ginn said. ‘That’s probably going to shift us out further, but we don’t have that date yet.’ ”

And these were the Highest Lights we were able to find.

Editor’s Note: OK.  So, with regard to ever Riding the SunLink Line, we here in Tucson, must actually look West to Portland for Hopeful News of the Upcoming United Streetcar Construction Progress for both the Portland, OR Cars, and the Washington, DC Cars: Because somewhere between: Portland, Oregon, and Washington, District of Columbia (Important Places): Our Eight Tucson Cars may/or may not be actually delivered in 2013. Perhaps 2014? Even 2015? 

TucsonArizona, February 2013:

MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

MileMarker: City Streetcar Construction Project Manager, Jesse Gutierrez, quietly departs for “greener pastures” in the private sector. No doubt Gutierrez has his reasons. But beyond personal motivations, frankly, we wonder precisely why he is leaving, in Mid-project. Could it be that the Tucson Streetcar Project, SunLink, is headed for certain derailment? Could it be that Mr. Gutierrez was pressured to leave? A volatile mixture of Local Politics and Federal Grant Money can be highly explosive.

In any event, according to the Arizona Daily Star:
“The city has already chosen Gutierrez's replacement. Joe Chase, engineering project manager with the city's Department of Transportation, will assume Gutierrez's duties.”

Here’s the Link:

MileMarker: Tracks Down / Lines Up (Tucson): Overhead Power Lines on University Boulevard and Fourth Avenue have been installed for the most part.

Elsewhere, SunLink Track Segments: (Tucson) Work proceeds along Cushing, Broadway and Congress. With the 2013 Gem Show, Golf and Rodeo Traffic behind us, SunLink Work can proceed, we would imagine, at full speed, at least here in Tucson.

Workers install Electric Cable and Guy Wire on Fourth Avenue in February 2013. 
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

MileMarker: The only major item lacking in the System is the SunLink Stops themselves. By Opening Day, 201?, there should be some (17) Stops in all. The First SunLink Stop, is now to be seen, under construction, On Campus.

Second Street (Uof A) SunLink Stop in February 2013.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

MileMarker: SunLink Car Work: (Portland) The February 2013 Test of the First Tucson Car did not take place, probably because the Tucson Car is still being built, and is unlikely even to be seen in Tucson in 2013. No official word has been issued as of this writing, but United Streetcar, the Contractor for all SunLink Rolling Stock, may be headed for serious trouble.

Although Testing does sound like a good idea, and Testing Certification, an even better idea, we’re going to actually need the Rolling Stock, here in Tucson, to complete Every Other Test -- on the road to Final Acceptance.

From the Arizona Daily Star, December 18, 2012:
As recently as last month [November 2012], city officials thought Tucson's first streetcar would begin testing on tracks in Oregon on Dec. 26 [2012] and be delivered here sometime in February [2013].
However, expectations changed after a visit to the United Streetcar plant about two weeks ago [December 2012].

‘They [United Streetcar, Portland, OR] have been plagued by production issues,’ said Tucson's Sun Link co-manager, Andrew Quigley, who was on the trip to the plant in Oregon. ‘And I think they have been unrealistic with their timelines.’

Quigley said changes to the Portland, Ore., streetcars that the plant is also producing and other factors have him predicting Tucson's first vehicle likely won't start testing until the end of February [2013].

United Streetcar ‘has allocated staff to the Portland vehicles due to continued design modifications,’ Quigley wrote in a memo. ‘This has resulted in their inability to put sufficient labor on our vehicles to meet their schedule.’”

Editors Note: Additionally, besides Portland Streetcars (6), and Tucson Streetcars (8), United Streetcar is under contract to deliver (3) Streetcars to Washington, D.C. -- all before Year End 2013? At this writing, February 28, 2013, The (1) Portland Prototype, scheduled to be delivered in Portland in June 2012, is Not In Full Service.

Meanwhile, Old Pueblo Trolley’s #869 and #1511 are still to be seen languishing in place, near their Eight Street Barn; forlorn, abandoned, but not forgotten.

OPT #869 and #1511 in February 2012.
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

Here's the Link:

Tucson, Arizona, January 2013:

MileMarker: Modern Streetcar Construction Schedule Begins: April 12, 2012.
Planned Public Opening [Projected Rider Revenue Date]: October 31, 2013.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Progress Highlights:

MileMarker: The City of Tucson hosted a Five-day Land Use Planning Charrette, January 14-19: During the Week, Stakeholders from Tucson Public, University of Arizona, and Local Merchants were invited to provide input regarding the future of Real Property along the Modern Streetcar Route.

Planning Development and Services Department (PDSD) identified and designated a number of Character Areas/Subareas, later recorded by the Charrette Team:

Full Title: Tucson Modern Streetcar Land Use and Development Implementation Plan Design Charrette.

MileMarker: Tucson Modern Streetcar Tracks Construction: Despite heavy rains in Late January 2013, and the Rain Delays, Summer 2012; Streetcar Track Work Progress, in all Four Segments, is On Schedule, according to City of Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction Manager, Jesse Gutierrez.

Overall Project Map:

Substantially Completed Roadway and Track Segments a/o 01/31/13:
Line Segment 3:

Roadway and Track Segments Under Construction a/o 01/31/13:
Line Segment 1:

Line Segment 2:

Line Segment 4:

MileMarker: Tucson Modern Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF). No Reported Construction Delays a/o 01/31/13.

Tucson Modern Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility, January 2013. 
Photo Courtesy Lens&Pens Tucson, Arizona.

MileMarker: Tucson Modern Streetcar [SunLink] Car Construction (Portland/Clackamas, Oregon): Originally Scheduled for February 2013 Final Testing, right here in T-Town; SunLink Car Construction, way out on the West Coast, continues to lag, months behind Schedule.
With not much news to report, and no really good news; here’s the latest from Oregon Iron Works/United Streetcar, Portland/Clackamas, Oregon.

“City of Tucson Production Cars - Fun News!” [On the Right Track Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 6, January 24, 2013.]

“We cannot forget about the Tucson Streetcars in all the fun news of Portland getting their first production car. We are still actively working on production of the Sun Link streetcars, with their first car having seats installed already! I’m sure it will be only a matter of weeks before we have more Tucson streetcars in our assembly bay than we do Portland cars.”

Editor’s Note RE: On the Right Track Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 6, January 24, 2013.
I’m sorry: What were the Essential Facts again? Am I to understand: Tucson’s First Modern Streetcar is having the Seats installed... already? (This appears to suggest we are many, many, unaccounted Months Behind Projected Delivery Schedule.)
Folks. Are we really ‘on the right track’ here? Apparently, the Portland Streetcar Delivery Schedule is way, way off, too. Where’s the ‘fun’ in any of this?                                                                                    
To Be Continued...

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